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Thursday, July 22, 2010

super angry today. actually today start the day quite well then the last second period which is english teacher choose mi go speech WTH she say the practice not audi for the speech then so unlucky my group been picked by teacher to go up the class to speak out the passage then she choose mi WTH so fa stupid ar i damm angry lor so unfair la even i finish speaking if i think back i will be like damm angry i say how angry i m the worse is when u been chosen other clapped for u as a form of support n congrat but real is they r clapping becos they r relive not them
no word to describe how angry i m i very bu gan xin still very angry

♥ Blogged @
8:41 PM

Friday, July 9, 2010

hiies!! have no been posting for 2 wk . ya tat long... cos of hw... now that i have clear my hw n are more free i can come n post . still have not post the photo tat i take in Indonesia and Taiwan will do tat soon cos it take time and a long 1 indeed . ya so want to k box with vera last monday youth holiday at cck the k box there very nice n is new system planing to bring my sis there on national day holiday. the last few day i watch lian kong very touching love story i know i very late cos everyone has watch like 1 year ago but at that time i dont really feel like watching but few day ago suddenly got the urge to watch so go rent it and is a really nice show.
so wat new today? actually nth is jus that my class today almost everyone has a windmill on their table n those dont have is me cos mine got missing part so cannot fix it up.
i find out that little thing can make ppl happy . the small wind mill has made everyone happy n even though my classmate are sec 3 but they still have their childishness. when they fix up their wind mill they try to made it move very few can so they get help. n they are very happy when their move on seeing that i oso feel happy :)

♥ Blogged @
12:52 PM

Thursday, June 24, 2010

heyheyhey just come back from Indonesia two day ago have a great time there^^ but very sian cos haven do hw school also going to reopen so sian this holiday i 1week at taiwan 1 week at indonesia then last wk need go sch in the end only left 1 week for myself as i say in last last post i go so many place need to do so many thing hais...i go le two country this holiday let mi dont feel like study le la ahhhh now all i can think is my hw hw hw!!!!

♥ Blogged @
6:49 PM

Monday, June 14, 2010

k this my 2nd post today this is all abt taiwan trip tat i went last last wk with my guzheng friends although still angry wi wat happen i will put it aside then just concentrate on tell u abt the taiwan trip
Day 1 :
go to school take bus from there with my teacher and guzheng friends and my mother and sister they come and song wo^^ but also go shop terminal 3 -.-

reach airport cos quite early so not much ppl when near to the time to check in more ppl there got also few other tour group. ya so wait till check in time time bade my mum and sister go bye. cos fist time on plane so alot of thing dont know must dee ppl how to do . in plane i sit with yuting, carrisa n huihao do wat yuting do but dont dare to ask too much cos dont want to fan them so see wat they do in the end after very short while i know how to play with the tv haha so watch two movie alice in wonder land n how to train ur dragon then have my lunch very nice ^^

after 4 hr and around 20 min ride i reach taiwan meet the tour guide there he want ask call wei ge i bit weird to mi cos sound like drag but we call him uncle instead haha so go eat dinner then go hotel then do ximen ding shop a bit but we shop like two stall both my teacher stop at name sticker shop to buy name sticker for their son in the end we spend all the time there then go back hotel that hotel we stay is call paradise hotel lobby look nice but the room look scary the door is red but my group is lucky get a big 1 we get a suite but other onli get one single room with two double size bed for my group is two room but we dont dare to sleep in the room more in side so tat for our bed and other thing we four ppl sleep in one bed .1st nite normally cant sleep but i sleep whereas yuting and carrise on each of my side didnt really get to sleep when they are about to sleep our hotel room phone ring carrisa jus slam it and i go check we tot morning call but is onle 3 plu only so we get back to sleep then when the real morning call ring again carrisa slam again but poor yuting again going to sleep get waken up

wake up eat breakfast then set off go fuxing gao zhong for exchange their performance was great and they are very pro and then there a promblem when is our turn at first we get the information that we get to get 6 guzheng so we prepare 6 person to go perform in the end they only got 3 everyone get a bit nervous especially those who go perform cos this mean one person must play one part no one will cover anyone when they play wrongly so when they perform i oso nervous however they still finish playing the song quite smoothly although no go but they complete it for the solo perform teacher suddenly ask huihao go play she haven metal prepare yet cos it suppose to play at the last day then suddenly she was ask to go play although she is not able to finish playing it and she cry in the end cos she cant finish but we are still proud of her:) then we go eat lunch then go 九份 then go touful street eat smelly touful i tell u damm smelly i dont like after tat we set off to the farm stay at first i tot the room will not be at good hope tat it will be ok to stay in to my surprise it is better then the hotel i stay. we eat dinner and then make haven light we split into 3 group to make all our haven light fly to the sky fast and smooth which is good=D

Day 3:
go tour the farm , go to their mini zoo , see their paddy field and do the kung yao -cook sweet potato using soil then do t-shirt DIY after tat we have to check out . go eat lunch then climb alot of stair to see the waterfall.go back hotel then go ximen ding shop bought a tube dress and a belt.

Day 4:
go exchange wi tang ming guzheng association quite nervous cos i tot i need to perform in the end dont need cos we dont know how to use their qing their is like have two side a more pro 1 and all the lady who perform is like teacher standard already they all got open their personal guzheng concert be 4 . after tat 淡水老街 and 渔人码头。 dinner was at shihling market not a very good experience dont wan to talk abt it .

go to taipei 1o1 to the 89 floor their lift is very nice and fast when we go in the life will turn dark and the light on the ceiling will lt up it take only 37 second to reach 89 floor after tat we walk to eslite bookstore after tat we go fu fen bu eat and shop a didnt buy anything but other like buy a lot i should buy too but dont know why i just didnt see anything i like.
go to chinese culture university to exchange their performance is the one i like the most they got play Jess style too very nico but not much luck on mi when i play i break the qing string but i jus carry not sure why didnt feel anything if normally i would freak out.then go eat lunch then shop ximen ding again i bought a couple tee for my parent the one with wo ai lao po/gong haha i feel cute. then buy hat for myself n sister and snsd cd gor my 2nd sis.3pm must meet in hotel then go airport and then home sweet home...

Although got bad experience but i still feel very happy that i go to taiwan and i miss the trip!!^^
(when i go home i didnt give my family present my sister look dissapointed n my mum say why didnt buy thing for dad i just keep quiet abd the next day when everyone is at home i give to them and my mother laugh)

♥ Blogged @
7:36 PM

was very happy when i finally can download a game that i like in my nds but today morning when i want to play the ds cannot load say system error then hang there i damm angry cos this mean i need to find the man again ya AGAIN i go see them like two day ago cos some game cannot play then they say is no space so is not ds spoil or wat so ok they help mi fix then i oso buy the card reader but now there is problem again although last time tat 1 is not counted a problem is jus that i dont know if u play 1 game it will create a save file then take out space but now i do as they say delete those game i dont play then i can oso download game i like n after down load i can play then the next morning this thing happen so i want to go find him tmr but no one accompany mi not i afraid to go alone but cos when i go wi very they joke around so this time i consider is a serious problem i dont want them to joke around plu i scare they will cheat mi cos i dont know anything abt electronic stuff so i ask my cousin i call him bro to go wi mi he know this thing very well he work there too so he can help mi luckily he just say ok i go down and find him when i just ask. thk! bro ^^ but still angry the part that make mi angry is not the joke aroung or wat is that other ppl buy nth wrong the just play and play and play and nth wrong but i just bought it for like two wk plu these kind of thing happen my mum also angry too as a result i oso get a bit of scolding so no matter wat i must slove the problem tmr!!>:( hw also haven do yet so little time left ahhhhh !

♥ Blogged @
7:17 PM

Friday, June 11, 2010

have been sleeping a lot this few day. so ya yesterday nite go watch movie with my family and relative cos is my aunt treat. we watch the karate kid at first i dont think the show will actually be nice but in the end it is!! whenever a child in the show hit the other child i can feel the strength and how painful it is even though i didnt actually feel it but the sound effect and the way
the children fight was really good and real. ya anyway is a good show.

hais.. this holiday seem to be over very fast 4 mi cos i spend the 1st week in Taiwan then come back spend one day sleep, next day dental and aunt house eat then sleep, and the next wake up wait for the other go lunch come back sleep a bit( sleep again) then go to plaza sing then movie today wake up eat go plaza come back sleep a while(again) then go dinner . tmr go out with Vera like this my 2nd week gone then 4 day for mi to pack my thing, do hw then on Thur go Indonesia come back on mon then i go school the very next day for guzheng practice. tat mean i go back to school 1 wk earlier then the rest tat mean to say i onli had 3 wk of holiday after everything i actually really maybe got 1 or 2 day to completely be free on a day cos the 4 day 1 for packing 1or2 for hw so left 1 or 2 to do wat i want hais.. my holiday TT and i still miss Taiwan TT

♥ Blogged @
9:36 PM

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

hi just come back from taiwan 1 day ago after coming back all i do is sleep. dont know why suddenly really tired. i dont feel anything on the last day when come back to singapore i starting to miss taiwan.when i come back from taiwan already 12 sth so go sleep until next day 12 go out eat come back sleep again until6 eat dinner watch tv a bit then sleep again. today wake early cos need go dental then go aunt house come back sleep again(sleep so much) so will post taiwan thing either tmr or the day after. still have school work need to do hais.. just change my blogskin but haven update the cbox, link etc.. ya so tmr then continue to post but i want to say i enjoy my stay at taiwan!!!^^

♥ Blogged @
9:47 PM

Monday, May 31, 2010

busy this few days cos got to fly to Taiwan on 2/5 so busy with my luggage few day never post let mi tell u abt this few day
finally finish my cip today last day. rush home ,dinner then go school practice guzheng with xin ting
practice for two day on 26 n 27 cos need to perform for the exchange in Taiwan then i don't have guzheng at home so go school to practice but i still think i haven meet my own expectation what more teacher? hais... practice also got practice but still cannot T.T anyway we practice in dance studio then xin ting saw a funny hat and then wear it on her head.haha

(one xinting is enough still have two ahaaaa)haha


go to guzheng practice then home bathe and then meet Vera go bugis actually wan to go illuma to see flea market but they suddenly move to somewhere call clubhouse? don't know where la but anyway go there eat thai express then go bugis street shop go see sunglasses Vera choose a design very cute i like it she bought it i wan to buy but think dont wan wait for xin ting buy together on Sunday cos she want to buy then on sun actually also dont want to buy but surprisingly my mum let me buy so i also bought the same design :) after that buy gift for taiwan buddy then go bugis junction we nth to shop le so go sasa see go anything then there got free help u make up and do eyebrow so i wait for it the lady very kind she also know we wait very long i ask her which eye liner i should buy she introduce mi a purple cream want then she demo and do a day make up for mi and do my eyebrows i go home my family xia dao but my mum say the eyebrow she do until very nice Vera actually want to but her mum rush her home cos she got youths then i ask her do eyeliner jiu hao cos i want see how the person do it
ps: if Vera post a photo of the soft crab glass noodle the picture like it very ugly that not me cos Vera put it wan haha..

(the food i eat in thai express)

go si ma lu go baibai cos my mum say i go taiwan so bring mi go baibai then after that meet xin ting to buy sunglasses spent over $300 today!!! my mum let mi buy wat i want on tat day it really surprise mi so i bought a top, tight ,sunglasses and DS (i want it for so long like 3 year) but FYI all i buy with my own money my parent didnt spent a cent on all this item although spent all my hard saving i still very happy=D k gtg pack my stuff . ^^

♥ Blogged @
8:09 PM

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

hey hey hey long time no post. this few day s had been quite busy, i had cip, guzheng practise, holiday hw and taiwan trip!in mind vera had gone camp le today her 3rd day i think she set off on sun i wan to call her on the nite befor sun but cos she tmr morning got a long trip tot that she will sleep early so dont wan disturb her. anyway this 3 day doing cip with rachael at the breast cancer foundation while the other go kindergarten if i know we will be going to kindergarten i would go too but cos earlier teacher say no activity will go sec 1 camp i dont want so when rac ask mi wan to go her gugu foundation i agree i wan go kindergarten cos i like small kid n i think the job given i can handle but at the foundation i was given the job to do brooches ,pack storeroom and sort their paper at the 1st day easy for mi but today i will told to pack goodies bag (easy for mi too) and call ppl for sponsorship hard for mi must speak well i quite ok but i not good at spelling a lot of word their name i dont know how to spell. some ppl will spell for mi but got a few didnt speak clearly i am afraid bcos of tat the name i wrote down will be wrong hais anyway tmr last day still need to continue calling i really nervous abt it and do packing after tat go home change n go guzheng practise cos afternoon outside doing cip so didnt sleep afternoon nap tmr will be more tiring cos still go practise then come back do hw hais k then i will stop here
see ya=D

♥ Blogged @
8:45 PM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

hiie! haven been posting for the past two day. go orchard with vera on sat
should have post on that day but keep forgetting
quite disappointed cos the place we want to go we thought will got thing
we want to buy but in the end nth for mi to buy even got hard time finding for food
when we are damn hungry
1) go taka see watson i tot got the product i want in the end dont have the sale person oso not there for mi to ask question
2)go paragon want see NYX product they say they close it :(
3)find food walk around taka cant find walk to paragon oso cant find jus(alreadly veri hungry and tired) decided to walk back to taka to eat Mac jus as walking out a lady give us a flyer we see is ramen price quite reasonable and got free flow of drink when present the flyer so decided to go there n eat wait for 15 min before got space staff very friendly food quite nice
4) go to somerset go see forever 21 another disappointment nth to see got like 3-4 level from 2-4 level all clothes
5) then go plaza sing vera buy nail buffer i cant decide wan to buy or not in then end didnt buy but go home regret cos the buffer quite good
so quite a disappointing day except for the food.
i order dipping ramen cos wan try new thing:)

free flow of drink:)

dipping ramen

polish in second..

♥ Blogged @
6:52 PM